Then, I could go to meet my old friends in Cyberjaya!
-Day 1- (8.00 PM)
We were at Uncle Jang, Puchong. Finally we gathered up with my old classmate/friends.. That pic is Dak Gal Bi, it's damn very spicy.. It shouldn't be… :3!!
From the left: Bella, Astika, Ferawaty, Fajrin, and me
Cheers :D!
-Day 2- (10.00 AM)
Yeah, it's Sungai Wang Food Court! That's my favorite of place.. I missed it so much! What a cheaper chinese food than Jakarta here…!
My favorite of food in Malaysia! -Chicken Rice with BBQ Pork-
Yeah, I met my old friend, Hong keat and Guo Wen. They are deaf.. Have a great day! I was enjoying there at Ficelle, Danau Desa! Nice Aroma of Patisseries!
It's Green Tiramisu Mousse.. It tasted very good! *Recommend*
They were Guo Wen and Hong Keat, Sweet Couple :)).. Actually no wonder of them, because they weren't closer before that day.. Anyway, thank you for bringing me there!
-Day 3- (LAST DAY)
Yeah, last day! Now it's my chance, I had to meet my best friends! That pic is in Pavilion, KL..
On the left: The Moon (Line) is saying Hello The World!
On the right: So sweet, :D Don & Yee Hong!
Astika, Bella, & Diana!
Fera, Astika, Bella and Me!
What a beautiful tree! Yes, CNY is coming!
Cheers First before I was leaving :(!
Epic Face!
Astika, Fera, Bella, & Diana
Good bye! Thank you guys! :D I will miss you again! I wish I would go back there again!
***There is another thing!***
I was shooting too, it's Diana Caitilin, Fashion Blogger. I was using Diana's DSLR! I tried to shoot as Street Style <3 font="">